Women love to talk. We’ll talk for hours about the things that matter to us: our families, our work, our favourite retail brands. But when it’s time to talk money, our lips shut tight. You’d almost think “finances” was the dirty F-word we’re not supposed to say in public.

That’s because, for so many of us, money and finances were never things we were taught to be comfortable with. We get lost in all the financial jargon and convince ourselves we can’t possibly be good enough to get it all figured out. So, we hide, ignore our growing debts and shrinking bank accounts, and hope it all goes away.

Well, no more.

Mint Worthy was created to change the way women relate to money and to empower them to step into a life of financial freedom. Our goal is to get you back in control over every part of your life, starting with your finances. And that means, it’s time to get real.

Here’s our secret… we’re all about making money fun! We ditch the head-hurting financial jargon, use terms you understand and teach you money habits you’ll actually be excited to put into practice. Don’t worry, you won’t be juggling dozens of cash-stuffed jars and envelopes (who has time for that?!) and you won’t have to give up your store bought caffeine fix, at least not forever. I’d never make you do anything I wouldn’t, and there’s no way I’m sacrificing my grande caramel frappuccino with one pump hazelnut—so your little indulgences are safe with me!

But, we’re not going to pat you on the back and let you go on pretending everything is fine, either. Our programs dig deep so that you can create real change in your life. Get ready to shift your entire connection to money so that you can uncover the mental and emotional blocks that are keeping you from setting concrete financial goals and actually achieving them. And we don’t just stop there - we are all about teaching you positive money habits and giving you financial strategies to better manage your money, build a budget you can stick to, save for what matters most and create lasting financial wealth. Because let’s be honest…. it’s not just about your finances. It’s about your life!

It’s about living those bold audacious dreams, following the hollerings of your heart and living life fulfilled.

So, let’s do this.

I promise, it’s sweeter on this side. Come see for yourself.




empowering women to build the wealth they are worthy of.


A world where women know their worth and live their most bold, audacious and fearless liFE regardless of the size of their bank account.