Hello Love,

Repeat after me:

I’m willing to bet you have some big beautiful dreams that you are working hard to achieve, but along the way you have neglected your finances. You make good money but you don’t know how to manage it. You have a growing business but you don’t have a handle on the finances flowing in and out. (And let’s not get started on your bookkeeping processes and taxes.) I’m also willing to bet you desperately want financial change – you are ready to learn how to manage your money and finally feel financially confident and in control. But with running your life, your business and your family – how can you ever find the time?!

I get it and I see you.

We are so busy building our dreams that we neglect to build our finances.

But here’s the truth – those dreams of yours cost money. And managing the money you have today ensures you have money for the dreams you have tomorrow.

The 1:1 VIP Day Experience is for the ambitious, ‘making dreams happen’ woman who is done with trying to figure it out on her own and is ready to elevate her finances. The woman who wants to redesign her financial life and regain financial control. Together, we will spend the day turning your finances around so that you can get more out of your money and your life. Plus, you’ll also receive 3 months of one on one coaching support after the VIP Day.

In the VIP Day Experience, you choose what we focus on – personal finances or business finances:

  • Personal Finances – We will gain clarity on your financial goals and build your Money Plan in a Day (including your budget, debt repayment plan and savings plan) so that you can manage your money with ease, keep more money in the bank and build the wealth you are worthy of.  

  • Business Finances – We will explore the 3 P’s in Your Business (Product, Price & Profit) and uplevel your Revenue Model and Business Finance Systems in a Day so that you can price for profit, consistently have sales and build a business that makes the money you are worthy of. (Because I know you didn’t start a business to be broke!)

You are SO WORTHY of having the life of your dreams – to feel secure and in financial control and to enjoy all the money and abundance your heart desires.

You’ve got this. I’ve got you.



Because you’re VIP…

All you have to do is show up and be ready. I will take care of the rest.

We will meet at a beautiful location in downtown Toronto where you will be free of all distractions and can focus fully on you. Sparkling pink lemonade will await your arrival and lunch + dessert will also be provided. Plus you’ll leave with a curated gift box with a few of my favourite things. (The option to have your VIP Day held virtually is also available.)

Whether you run your own business or have a successful professional career, the VIP DAY WILL HAVE YOU LEAVing financially confident and in control so that you can create the financial life you are worthy of (with the bank account to match).


Read on to learn more about the VIP Day Experience or book a Clarity Call and let’s chat about moving your personal or business finances to the next level.


Sasha released money blocks and in the process uncovered $300K of passive income.

“In the second half of the afternoon Vanessa essentially figured out where I could find about $300,000 worth of passive annual income from the community that I already have and I'm still kind of reeling from that. I have to say that I could not have even begun to imagine the kind of stuff we would get done today. Releasing way more blocks, releasing some really really old stuff for me and some stuff that I am just so happy to be done with.”

- Sasha Torres [Founder & Owner of Sheepspot | sheepspot.com]

Click on the video to hear more about Sasha’s transformation


It’s your day, so you choose! You can focus on either personal or business finances.

Here’s how we’ll journey together during the day:


personal finances

Build your Money Plan in a Day.


Part 1: Money Mindset

What is your money story? Before you can create real change in your financial life, you must first identify the limiting beliefs and money blocks that have created the life you are living today. We will begin by understanding your current money mindset and what has been holding you back from managing your money and calling in the abundance you desire. We will shift your mindset and begin to create a new money story that aligns with the financial life you desire. From there we will gain clarity on your heart-centred financial goals - the ones that you are energetically connected to and subconsciously motivated to achieve.

Part 2: Money Plan

Are you telling your money where to go or is it going everywhere but no where? Together, we will create a customized Money Plan based on your financial goals. We will get real and honest about where your money has been going and create your new spending budget so that you can spend with purpose and intention. We will prioritize your debts, set your debt-free target date and create a debt repayment plan that allows debt freedom to become your reality. We will also create a savings plan for your short term and long term financial dreams; because your dreams do matter. We’ll ensure you have life’s simple moments covered like birthdays and vacations, etc. so that you never have to worry about having the money for these memories again. We will bring all of this together to create your customized Money Plan which will include your spending budget, debt repayment plan and savings plan.

Part 3: Money Date

You work hard for your money, but is it working hard for you? Having a Money Plan is great but if you don’t know how to work your money or work your plan you will never achieve your financial dreams. Learn how money works, what savings and investment accounts you need and how to automate your plan so that you spend less time managing your money and more time living your life (all while your money is working for you). Using my unique Money Date Method™ and your customized monthly budget spreadsheet, you will know exactly what to do each month to follow your plan, achieve your goals and consistently remain in financial control.


business finances

Rebuild your Revenue Model in a Day.


Part 1: Products

Are your offers aligned? We will review your entire revenue model starting with your product and service offerings and your customer’s journey through those offerings. We’ll gain clarity on what is bringing money into your business and what is draining money from your business. We will streamline any product offerings and rebuild your revenue model so that you can be positioned for profit. But attracting money and clients into your business is more than what you offer - you must also be energetically aligned to your offers. We will uncover any mindset blocks that are preventing you from selling your products and services at the level you desire.

Part 2: Pricing

Are you charging your worth? We will perform a detailed review of the pricing structure within your revenue model and uncover any limiting beliefs that are blocking your worth. We will also get clear on the type of clients you are attracting into your business and release any blocks preventing you from attracting your ideal clients who will easily and eagerly pay your worth. Together, we will identify any gaps in your pricing and where you are potentially leaving money on the table. We will create an updated pricing model for your business that allows you to build a big abundant bank account that not only reflects your worth but also the impact you are leaving in this world.

Part 3: Profit

Are you building a business or a hobby? We will examine your current business finance systems and ensure you have the right processes in place to build a business that is cash positive and not cash poor. This will include reviewing your bookkeeping process, ensuring you have the right accounts open and reviewing your annual tax filing process. We will build your customized monthly Business Money Date process so that you know step by step what to do each month to consistently pay your expenses, set money aside for taxes, maintain a healthy operating cash flow and still have money left to reinvest into your business. You will also learn how to read your Profit & Loss statement and what questions to ask yourself as you review so that you can build a business with both profit and impact. You’ll go from avid hobbyist to true CEO!


What would it feel like to have your entire financial life turned around in just one day?

To finally have the clarity and confidence to know how to manage your money and feel in financial control?

If you’re ready to create that life for yourself, book your VIP Day clarity call now.


Still feeling a bit nervous and unsure? 

Place one hand on your heart and take a few deep breaths. Feel the beat of your heart and connect within. Then ask “Am I ready and open for financial expansion?” Be patient and wait for the answer. If the answer is yes, let’s connect and talk about the next steps to creating your most financially abundant life!


Read what my clients had to say and feel the transformation that is here and available for you too.


Andrea overcame financial shame and generated more income than she had in months prior.

During my VIP Day with Vanessa, I dealt with years of financial shame. And after having an honest conversation with my loved ones the weight lifted. Within seven days I generated more income in my business than I had in months.

- Andrea Crisp [Transformation Coach, www.andreacrisp.ca | @andreacrispcoach]

Watch the video for an inside look into a VIP Day

Lisa Michelle shattered mindset blocks and created new consistent habits to achieve success she didn’t even know she was capable of.

Vanessa’s VIP Day program is nothing short of transformative and ground-breaking.  On more than one occasion, she helped me shatter major mindset blocks that were standing between me and the success I didn’t even know I was capable of.  Often these breakthroughs would happen in one single session with her!

In addition to the mindset work, she helped me whip my business’ accounting & bookkeeping into shape with her incredible Cashflow and ‘money date’ processes, creating new and consistent habits, and teaching me to use QuickBooks effectively.  Before this, my books and accounting were somewhere between ‘hot mess’ and non-existent.  I used to hate working on this part of my business and now I look at my numbers almost daily, and confidently use the data to inform my next moves.

Working with Vanessa in any capacity is a blessing, but the one-on-one focus I got through my VIP day was 100% life-changing. If you run a business of any kind, I highly, highly recommend you tap in !

- Lisa Michelle [CEO / Executive Producer, Sunday Baby Films Inc. | www.sundaybabyfilms.com]

Michaela pushed through her mindset around receiving money and stepped into the next level of her career.

Working with Vanessa created some of the most transformational months I've ever had. She's much more than just a money coach, the way she connects with the universe to guide you is actually magical. Vanessa is warm, sensitive, and compassionate, and even though all the work we did was through Zoom, I felt loved and held the entire time. She helped me see the way my money mindset was filtering into all aspects of my life, and how my ability to receive money and love went hand in hand. Without this work, I wouldn't have had the push I needed to step up into the next level of my career, welcoming fame, money and success with open arms in a way I was so afraid of before. Vanessa helped me see the fear and blocks for what they truly are and I'm excited for what the future will bring with my new level of openness.

- Michaela Angemeer [@michaelapoetry ]

Jackie shifted her fear of dealing with money to creating a financial plan that works in abundance for her.

I had met Vanessa at an event, and as soon as she started speaking, I knew I needed her in my financial life at that very moment. 

A few years passed and finally, I was able to book my VIP day with Vanessa. It was everything I dreamed of and more. I had an enormous fear of talking about and dealing with my money. I had lived in debt almost all of my life and never saw a way out until Vanessa came to my aid. Vanessa helped me get through one of the toughest years of my life financially and personally. Even when my personal life was crumbling, Vanessa gave me love and grace when talking about my financial situation and I had no doubt that no matter what happened, I would be okay and in an even better financial spot. I was able to make the numbers work for me. I could manifest a financial plan that works in abundance for me. She helped me produce absolute magic (in a very logical, formulated way) when addressing my money situation, and am currently on a plan that I wish I had started years ago when I first met her.  

I cannot thank Vanessa enough for what she did for me. If you're thinking about working with her, do it. I promise you, it will be beyond worth it. I hope to continue to work with Vanessa in the future and I hope you consider it too! 

- Jackie

CHRISTINE looks forward to her business money dates that help fuel her dream business and lifestyle.

Vanessa has completely helped me transform my identity of where I saw my business and was an essential part of my transition from sole proprietor to a corporation. Vanessa is not only a money coach. She is a true supporter of you on a human level and your business.

By having a VIP Day with her, I had the opportunity of a tailored approach to dive deep into what I envisioned for my business. I never felt rushed and was always fully supported to become the best version of myself. I've cleaned all my finances and have systems, habits, and tools that I'm genuinely proud and excited to look at every week and month for my consistent money dates to make informed decisions that fuel my dream lifestyle and business for so many years to come. 

- Christine Lieu [Founder, CEO, CL Designs | www.christineldesigns.com]


I had been contemplating the idea of investing in a financial coach since the fall of last year. I was unsure about who to turn to, but I knew that I was in a challenging financial situation. Life felt bleak, and I was trapped in a cycle of financial difficulties that carried a heavy burden of shame. My therapist recommended Vanessa – someone I already had a connection with. I had met Vanessa years ago through another mentor and had attended one of her workshops. Reconnecting with her felt like a sign, and I had an intuitive certainty that she was the right financial coach for me.

Vanessa has a unique gift for seamlessly merging spirituality with financial expertise in a practical and easily understandable manner. Since embarking on this journey with her, my life has undergone a complete transformation. I have embraced a mindset of abundance and self-worth, and I'm thrilled to share that I've not only reached my income goal from my Pilates endeavors but I'm also about to fulfill my dream of spending two weeks in my favorite city, NYC! One of the remarkable changes she has guided me through is creating a sustainable budget that aligns perfectly with my life. With Vanessa's guidance, I now feel empowered to continue progressing on my financial path.

Expressing my gratitude towards Vanessa feels inadequate. I feel incredibly fortunate and blessed to have had her by my side during this journey. She has been instrumental in reshaping my financial landscape and bringing about a positive change that extends far beyond just my finances. Thank you, Vanessa, for everything you've done for me. Your impact is immeasurable, and I feel incredibly fortunate to have had you as my guide and mentor.

- Zainab Benson [@zainab.benson]

Stacey-Ann connected to a mindset that better aligns with her newly created financial plan for all her short and long-term goals.

If I had to choose one word to describe my VIP Day with Vanessa, it would be magical. I set the intention to have a breakthrough, and oh did Vanessa deliver!

Before working with Vanessa, I took a very hands-off approach to managing my finances. I had no debt and paid off my credit card every month, so I was under the illusion that my finances were great. Vanessa and I had a real and honest conversation — a reality check on how I had actually been managing my money. She guided me to understand my current relationship with money, uncover my money blocks, and helped me find a new path forward. Not only did I leave the day with an incredible money plan and tools to budget, we also built a “future me” plan that aligns with my big, audacious goals. Vanessa thinks of every single detail, including the most incredible check-list of specific action items to implement my money plan. We accomplished more in one day than I’ve accomplished in years of trying to organize my personal finances! Vanessa exceeded my expectations, and I feel like I’ve already made a return on my investment in my VIP Day. Now that my financial plan is aligned to support my short and long-term goals, I’m making much more intentional decisions about my finances, and doing so with ease.

But working with Vanessa is about so much more than just money. We started the day talking about mindset, and getting energetically connected to my goals. Being in Vanessa’s energy is life changing. She is such an incredible soul. Even though this was our first time meeting, I felt so comfortable, like I’ve always known her. Her combination of mindset and money is unmatched, and exactly what I needed! A truly transformational experience.

- Stacey-Ann A.

Laurie grew her business by embracing what worked and releasing areas that no longer served her.

The decision I made to work with Vanessa was one of the best decisions I have ever made for myself and my business. My women's safety non-profit Cupid's Sting was in the midst of growth and I needed guidance on how best to scale in order to ensure my model was sustainable and that there was time and space for me to rest and make money. Do you need an expert in business that is highly professional and competent? Call Vanessa. Do you need someone that is going to take the time to understand you and your business? Call Vanessa. Do you need someone that is going to see and hear you and root for you as abundance flows to you? Call Vanessa! Vanessa did more for me and my business than others have done in years. She discerned right away what was working and helped me let go of areas that were no longer serving me. I am now more prepared and am more whole financially and spiritually all thanks to Vanessa!

- Dr. Laurie Samuel [Founder and CEO of Cupid's Sting | @cupidssting]


Ready to create the financial life you are worthy of?